The story of our home planet Earth is no less jaw-dropping than a Hollywood movie. The drama of explosive volcanoes spewing red hot lava, the action of asteroid bombardment, the titanic collisions of tectonic plates, the fantasy of the under-ocean chemical soup bubbling with early life and tales of the coldest, hottest, deepest and highest spots on this planet. Not to forget the homo sapiens, the heroes who survived this tumultuous process unscathed despite danger of extinction at every step.
Allow me to take you on a journey of the evolution of planet Earth at the Natural History Museum, Sector 10, Chandigarh. We will explore the origins of our planet and life through 14 huge cycloramas, witness the Big Bang which occurred around 13.8 billion years ago, and witness history from the rise of homo sapiens in the Holocene age to the evolution of the modern human and how we came to dominate the planet.
In the Dinosaur gallery, join me on a treasure hunt of these prehistoric reptiles and dig out some fossils! (Hope you don’t mind coming across the fossilized poop of a herbivore dinosaur!)